Petak, 20 Septembra, 2024

Bishop Bojović: The Prime Minister is drawing a target for the CPC believers

It is worrying that Prime Minister Krivokapić is talking about the CPC in such a malicious way

The statement of Prime Minister Zdravko Krivokapić that the Montenegrin Orthodox Church is a so-called and an NGO is an unprecedented attack on the CPC by the Prime Minister, said in an interview for CDM Bishop of the CPC Boris Bojović.

He notes that the Montenegrin Orthodox Church has always been engaged in faith and a saving mission, as well as in restoring traditional values ​​among the Montenegrin people.

He points out that it is very worrying that Prime Minister Krivokapić is talking about the CPC in such a malicious way.

That, he adds, speaks to the prime minister’s hypocrisy as he presents himself as a believer.

“But, it doesn't matter, it's about the Prime Minister of Montenegro who must know that the Montenegrin Orthodox Church was renewed at the All-Montenegrin Assembly on Lucindan, in 1993, and that since its renewal it has never been registered as an NGO, but as a church – religious community, it is very easy to check“, Bojović is clear.

Bishop Bojović is clear – not only is this relationship endangering the freedom of religious and civil rights, but all citizens who are believers in the CPC are targeted and called “so-called” or non-existent.

“Since he took office as prime minister, we in the CPC have been facing” administration silence “because we have not received a single response to many requests, more than 10 requests have been sent to the Ministry of Justice, Human and Minority Rights,” said the CDM interlocutor.

He notes that the Constitution is also endangered!

“Basic human, religious and national rights, proclaimed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, are not respected. He renounces the right to pray to Orthodox Montenegrins with the clergy of the CPC in the churches and monasteries that our ancestors built. This way we demand a public apology, kneeling is not necessary. And otherwise we will pray for the Prime Minister that God's grace will enlighten his mind and lead him on the right path! The path of love, not hatred”, concluded Bojović.





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