Nedjelja, 8 Septembra, 2024

SAO Cetinje Monastery

Today it is more than clear, the measure of the aggression of Serbian priests towards Montenegrins is the measure of their fear of Montenegrins! The more frightened they are, the more aggressive they are! Montenegro deserved such an incredible experience, because it had never had such a terrible occupier in an attempt before!

By: Milenko A. Perović

For centuries, the Church of Serbia has adhered to the New Testament instruction of Jesus: “Give the emperor the emperor`s, and God the God`s,” because it could not be otherwise. It was obedient to Nemanjić and Byzantium, Turks, Obrenović, Karađorđević, communists and Milošević. It is more than obedient – at an appropriate market price – to today's Serbian authorities.

It would be obedient in Montenegro after the so-called AB revolution – as it was before – that power was held by those who know how to treat religious communities so that both they and the state do not get on their heads.

Milenko Perovic
Milenko Perovic

The government gave in to the Church of Serbia for thirty years, not knowing where it should have a place in a secular society. It is not the Church, but the government that has given great impetus to the desecularization of Montenegro. It did not occur to it to imitate the Serbian government, which – with all the political trade arrangements – did not allow the “clergy” of the Church of Serbia to approach the real government.

When you give in long and recklessly to the one who has learned to listen and gather crumbs from the end of the state table, the servant in the mantle imagines that he is strong. He believes that no one can do anything to him and that he can fulfill his wishes through violence.

When the government believes in this – which would ex officio have to set a clear limit to such church ambitions – the state loses the ability to keep the church under control. Then the church begins to control the state!

When a number of circumstances contributed to the fall of the previous government, the “clergy” of the Church of Serbia imagined that the time had come for them to achieve ambitions in Montenegro that they had never dreamed of before. They convinced themselves that it was time for the whole of Montenegro to be able to permanently “hold a fist under their nose” and thus make their undisputed Belgrade master and informal patriarch happy.

The solemn act of announcing their belief that they are within reach of a permanent occupation victory over Montenegro has been scheduled for the beginning of September in the Cetinje Monastery.

Mahmut-pasha Bushatlija showed more benevolence when he burned the Cetinje monastery in 1785, but Serbian priests have been forcibly since he was abducted by Montenegrins in 1920. Bushatlija got it with a sword and just burned it, and Serbian priests got it with a violent and huge base and rosed it every day for a hundred years and they think so forever.

Serbian priest's servants started to play the master a little. It seemed to them that the happy turn of banal political circumstances had given them the opportunity to truly be masters or at least a transmission of the will of the masters. The role of masters in their worldview is always accompanied by the attribute of the power to commit violence. Obviously, they did not learn anything about Christianity in the priest schools, but they think and act like antichrists, because at every step they show an insatiable hatred of the truth and a love of evil and violence.

In vain, even after two thousand years, the morality and wisdom of nonviolence are warned by the one whom they consider their teacher without any basis. When they came to arrest Jesus Christ, his disciple Simon Peter cut off the ear of the watchman Malchus with a sword: “Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all that the sword shall perish by the sword” (Matt. 26:51). -52).

By “taking away the sword” (Tertullian), Christ deprived his followers of the right to believe that human affairs could be properly dealt with by violence. At the same time, he warned them that relying on force can always end badly for a bully!

No one has yet told the “clergy” of the Church of Serbia the good news about the moral wisdom of avoiding violence. They act as if they have never heard it. From the time when Stevan Nemanja satirized the Bogomils to Mladic's satire of Bosniaks, Serbian “clergymen” were always nearby to encourage and consecrate thugs and villains. They were never on the side of the humiliated and offended, but always from the bullies. They never “promised” to the human power of non-violence, but to the demonic power of violence!

Everything they did in Montenegro was based on violence, lies and meanness. Only those “Christian” qualities were brought to Montenegro. Everything they had done in it for a hundred years was imbued with the pure evil of violence.

But, says Bishop Rade: “Blood is human (wound) upside down!” And violence is food upside down! Everything created by violence is permeated by the fear of the perpetrator that it will be taken away from him. The “clergy” of the Church of Serbia have never managed to hide their constant fear that what they abducted in Montenegro by force will be taken away from them. The immense fear of that kind drove last year’s “litija”. Only those who had to officially stand in their way failed to understand this.

“Litija” showed how Serbian “clergymen” fell into the vicious circle of the dialectic of violence and fear. On their leader, to the point of complete transparency, it has been shown how the dialectic of a bully with a rabbit's heart works.

Today it is more than clear, the measure of the aggression of Serbian priests towards Montenegrins is the measure of their fear of Montenegrins! The more frightened they are, the more aggressive they are! Montenegro deserved such an incredible experience, because it had never had such a terrible occupier in an attempt before!

The psychological basis of the dialectical play of aggression and fear is clearly shown in the intention of the Serbian priests to play it in Cetinje.

They would never dare to play the pseudo-Christian monster of an attempt to intimidate Montenegrins on their own. To keep them afraid, they gather a mob of organized domestic and foreign criminals, phalangists who make up the official government in Montenegro, “brotherly” services from Belgrade and all kinds of mercenary quisling scum. This is what the heroes in mantles did in the 1990s, when they brought murderers and criminals to protect their fear of Montenegrins.

Calling scum on the mob, Serbian priests intend to solve the “church question”, just as the Belgrade political mind solved the “Serbian question” in the twilight of Yugoslavia, ie by violence, intimidation and creating great evil from a safe distance and constant “hand washing”.

The so-called “mind” carried out “saoization,” that is, territorial division of Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, because it was not strong enough to conclude “Greater Serbia” in one fell swoop. They were created by force, they disappeared by force, because the dialectic of the other end of the beating worked.

This dialectic did not teach militant Serbian priests anything. Its science needs wit and character. They are trying to make a symbolic “saoization” of the Cetinje monastery and thus announce the great preparation for the collapse of Montenegro.

They will not break Montenegro, as no one has ever managed to break it! They will break down in Montenegro. Their Belgrade masters in Montenegro will also break down. The domestic quisling scum will also break down in Montenegro.

The Church of Serbia is ready to – to the last Serbized Montenegrin – defend the treasure it has usurped and plundered in Montenegro. A real thought revolution would take place in the minds of Serb-Montenegrins if they finally – after one hundred and fifty years of hard donkey – managed to realize that “Serbs” are just as dear to Montenegrins.

Belgrade's clerical-fascists and “ordinary” fascists would not have received a nice vote at the beginning of September, but to hear how Montenegrins and Serbized Montenegrins – in Cetinje or anywhere else – bled to death and exterminated each other to the last! The news of the general death of both Montenegrin sides would be a lasting balm for Kosovo and all other historical frustrations.





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